Collaborate with us

Collaborating with Talent Skillsvarsity presents a compelling opportunity for individuals and organizations seeking to amplify their impact and achieve greater success. With a wealth of expertise across diverse fields, Talent Skillsvarsity serves as a valuable partner in driving innovation and growth. Through collaboration, partners can tap into Talent Skillsvarsity's extensive network, gaining access to new markets, opportunities, and resources. Talent Skillsvarsity's commitment to excellence and professionalism ensures that collaborations are built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect, fostering long-lasting relationships that yield sustainable results. Whether it's through joint projects, knowledge sharing, or co-creation initiatives, collaborating with Talent Skillsvarsity offers a pathway to unlocking untapped potential and achieving shared objectives. In a rapidly evolving landscape, where adaptability and innovation are paramount, collaboration with Talent Skillsvarsity emerges as a strategic imperative for those seeking to thrive and excel.

School Collaboration


If you are school and have students who will soon commence their undergraduate studies and want to build their career in Financial Markets, Banking & Finance, Fintech, Data Science, Cyber security or any other domain – then connect with us. We provide students with firsthand exposure to various industries and also help them learn more about financial literacy, digital skills and other emerging technologies like AI & Blockchain. We conduct short term sessions where students not only gain practical skills but also develop a deeper understanding of different career paths, enhancing their readiness for the professional world.

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We bring industry knowledge and help you bridge the gap between academics and Industry. Our experts understand the needs of NEP 2.0 and can help you in curriculum development, Industry engagement, Faculty development programs, regulatory compliance, Setting up of Innovation hubs etc. We can also help you develop international university partnerships and create pathway programs for students from your university to seamlessly move to any International University.

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The new National Education policy allows you to integrate short term, modular courses in the University curriculum. We bring a large catalogue of such programs which are designed by Industry experts for you to add. We can help you deliver these programs as well and certify them from Industry recognized bodies. These can not only enhance learning outcomes of your students but also help them seek placements post completion of their course. Backed by Industry recognized certificates, students gain an extra edge while seeking early employment after completing their graduation.

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If you are a faculty member or a researcher, we are keen to explore opportunities to collaborate. We help you to stay updated on industry trends, access cutting-edge resources, and cultivate professional networks. This collaboration enhances teaching effectiveness and ensures that your own students receive practical, industry-relevant education, boosting their employability and career prospects. In addition, we invite researchers keen to co publish work in the domain of Capital Markets, Banking & Finance, Health, Skill Development, Employability and other relevant domains.

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We have diverse experience in executing projects which impact large students, youth, women and other citizens. These could be skill development initiatives, capacity development projects, Women or Gender inclusivity programs, or other impact programs focussed for a district, state or national importance. We have experience working with district level offices, state coordination departments and Central ministries to ensure successful implementations in the domain of Skills & Entrepreneurship, Education & Innovation.

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Human Capital Management are critical for your organization success. After all people are an asset. However, you may struggle in building a talent supply chain of skilled resources, upskilling and reskilling current employees or need interventions to help build a leadership pipeline for your key resources. We can help design programs and execute for ensuring generic L&D needs, mandatory compliance & regulatory interventions or board level capacity building masterclasses. Do connect us to discuss more on this.

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